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The Valuation Office Agency released their new Check, Challenge and Appeal statistics on 1st February 2024. This document illustrated the checks and challenges submitted in the 2023 list from 1st April 2023 until 31st December 2023, and also checks and challenges that are still outstanding, going way back to 1st April 2017.

2017 list figures

Even though the 2017 list has now ended, there are still cases outstanding from when the list closed.

Between the dates of 1st April 2017 and 31st December 2023, 848,300 checks were lodged.846,790 have been decided, 1,510 remain outstanding.

185,160 of these checks proceeded to challenges. 132,460 have been cleared, 21,580 were classed as incomplete, and 31,120 remain outstanding.

2023 List figures

45,610 checks were lodged between the above period. 35,180 have been resolved, whilst 10,440 remain outstanding.

4,480 challenges have been served between the period outlined. 390 were marked as incomplete, and 3,650 remain outstanding.

The 2023 figures illustrate ratepayers are still struggling to get their appeals through the cumbersome process of check challenge and appeal. Rerate can assist you throughout the many challenges the CCA system, representing you as an agent. Please get in touch today!